
Blog Post

Mountain Living - March 2016

  • By Mac Lee
  • 04 Mar, 2016

March Madness is on us again!

March is one of my very favorite months of the year. Just consider for a moment all that is going on throughout the month of March, to wit: Daylight Saving Time begins, St. Patrick’s Day with green beer and corn beef and cabbage, spring begins, and this year, Palm Sunday, Easter and Easter Monday all take place within the month of March. Add to all of that the fact that the phenomenon known as March Madness takes place in division I college basketball, culminating in the NCAA championship game April 4th in Houston, Texas.

For those of us who were fortunate enough to be born in the Old North State (nonnatives got here as the saying goes “just as soon as they could”), two important questions are soon posed when being introduced in a social setting: “What number?” and “What school?” The first question relates to what NASCAR driver do you follow, i.e. the number on the car. The second question is an effort to identify which ACC school you follow in basketball, because in North Carolina this must be disclosed under penalty of law under the assumption that everyone in the state must have a local school they follow in college basketball. When I was in college, several fraternity brothers and I attended what was then known as the World 600 NASCAR race in Charlotte. Got severely sunburned, couldn’t hear for 3 days after the race, and never knew who actually won and thus my NASCAR interests were brought to a screeching halt. However, during my formative years I was highly influenced by an uncle who graduated from the University of North Carolina and encouraged me to become a Tar Heel by taking me with him to many basketball games in Chapel Hill. The excitement of witnessing a live college basketball game with thousands of screaming students and fans was exhilarating and for me the die was cast and Carolina blue began to run in my veins. After college I was fortunate to have been accepted into law school at UNC and spent time in Chapel Hill until, at my young age, I figured out that for me a legal career was not in the cards. But I regress. Basketball in North Carolina is a given presumption.  Folks that faithfully follow college basketball simply don’t get it why everyone does not share their passion for the game.  If you are a Tar Heel, you hate the N.C. State wolf pack and absolutely despise the Duke blue devils. If you are among the great misguided and rout for State or Duke the opposite is true. Regarding college basketball there are no other teams in the state – with apologies to the Wake Forest demon deacons. When the ACC tournament begins on March 8th and the NCAA tournament starts on March 15th colors will be worn, flags will be proudly flown, other activities will be suspended without regret, and we will all be in front of our flat screens embroiled in the excitement of college basketball. Take in a game and you will be hooked too. Just make sure you have a sufficient supply of North Carolina’s official food – barbecue, and the official soft drink-Cheerwine, on hand as you watch and cheer on the Heels. Besides, if God is not a Tar Heel, why then is the sky Carolina blue?



By Kathy Bell September 17, 2019

Junaluska Highlands Book Club meets the First Tuesday of the Month at 6:30 pm. Hostess provides Dessert, Coffee and/or Tea. Book Discussion begins at 7:00 pm.

 September 10

Stranger in the Woods by Michael Finkel

Hostess & Facilitator: Marie Aiken


October 8

Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult

Hostess: Jennifer Conrad

Facilitator: Joyce Brunsvold


November 5  

Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owen

Hostess & Facilitator: Kathie McCracken


December 3

“Eat, Drink and Be Merry!!” 

 Social Dinner or Dine Out TBD

Hostess: Patti Surak

Helpers: TBD (need 4). If you want to volunteer, let Patti know.


January 7

A Gift of Time by Jerry Merritt

Hostess:   Tammy Wright

Facilitator:   Kate Gross


February 4 

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

Hostess:   Suzanne Patrick

Facilitator: Kathy Bell    


March 3

The Swan House

Hostess:   Kathy Bell

Facilitator: Debbie Savage 


April 7

Educated by Tara Westover

Hostess & Facilitator: Susan Lee 


May 5

“Spring Fling” Social Dinner Meeting 

Includes Book Selections, Signups for Hostess and Facilitators/Helpers for 2020-2021

Hostess: Jan Vittum

Helpers: TBD (need 4). If you want to volunteer, contact Jan Vittum.


June, July, August:  

 Summer Break


Reminders: Hostess sends an email to members in advance of the meeting. Please include: Title/Author, Time, Date, Your Address, Special Info (Parking, etc.) and a RSVP date.

 Important: Please respond on/before the RSVP date so the Hostess knows how many are attending. Thank you!! 

Note: If you need to switch a date to host, facilitate, help or request a substitute, please contact another member and see what you can work out. We are always willing to help each other!! :)

By Charles Gross June 30, 2019
Here’s a shot from the end of June showing George Patrick and Frank Lay hard at work - mostly Frank in this shot - putting down a cold patch repair on the driveway to the pavilion parking lot. Frank is a member of the Roads Committee and George graciously volunteered to help us with this project as well as filling a sinkhole on Crookston.
By WebMaster JHCA April 13, 2019

3 February, 2019

You have likely noticed the new yellow stripping between the entrance and exit gates.  This is safety striping to help separate the lanes, but also serves the purpose of directing traffic toward the outside edges of the pavement.  This is necessary because the magnetometer that detects the presence of vehicles and automatically opens the exit gate is a little touchy to set up.  It has to be sensitive enough to detect small vehicles and open the exit gate for them as well as not being too sensitive when larger vehicle come in the entrance gate.  If too sensitive the exit gate will open when vehicles come through the entrance gate, causing additional wear and tear on the gate opening system.  The gate group has made numerous adjustments to the sensors trying to get the balance just right.

The roads committee (Charles Gross, Max Wicks, and Frank Lay) volunteers were responsible for getting the new yellow safety striping in place.  The roads group has many other responsibilities concerning the J.H. community roads including signage, and road repair.  Kudos for a job well done.

Thank you Gate Group (Phil Casso, Jerry Doucet) for your volunteer work in keeping the gate operational.

By WebMaster JHCA April 13, 2019
Many thanks to the Home and property owners (and friends) of Junaluska Highlands for working to beautify the community on 5 May, 2018. Following the planting of flowers, spreading of mulch, and general clean-up, a luncheon was enjoyed by the work crew. Following are some images of the work and fellowship from this event
By WebMaster JHCA April 13, 2019

Kathy Bell is coordinating the meetings for Highlands Residents who want to participate in the book club this year. Meeting start with some general chit-chat, then there is a book discussion followed by light refreshments and merriment.

                                The Reading Calendar

September 11   “Station 11”                                         by Emily St John Mandel

October 2        “Code Girls”                                          by Liza Mundy

November 6     “The Aviator’s Wife”                              by Melanie Benjamin

December 4      Eat Drink and be Merry Social Dinner

January 8         “My Italian Bulldozer”                           by Alexander McCall Smith

February 5        “Isaac’s Storm”                                     by Erik Larson

March 5             “TBD”                                

April 2               “TBD”                          

May 7                Spring Fling Social Dinner   +  Next year planning                

The abandoned husbands club will occasionally meet on the same night for alternate festivities that may include dinner, a movie, or whatever else devious minds can conjure.

By WebMaster JHCA April 13, 2019
Many thanks to the Junaluska Property Owners for their time and effort during the 2017 Spring Work Day and Pic-Nic!! See the Gallery for photos commemorating this great event.
By WebMaster JHCA April 13, 2019

Mark your calendars now for the Junaluska Highlands community wide July 4th cook out and social at the pavilion next to the ponds. Planning is underway for this annual Community Event. This is a favorite get together for all residents, lot owners, and their guests. Meet and catch up with all your Junaluska Highlands Neighbors. A member of your party will have an opportunity to briefly tell about a memorable 4th of July, or what the 4th means to you (this is optional).


Junaluska Highlands Community Association

4th of July Celebration Picnic


Monday July 4, 2016   6:00pm to 8:00pm at the JHCA Pavilion

6:00-6:45 Meet and Greet

Appetizers, Welcome New Neighbors, Reflections

 on the 4th of July,

Sing Along “America the Beautiful” and Blessing

6:45-8:00 Meal and Socializing

·      Picnic is Potluck

·      Cost: $5.00 per person. You and your guests are welcome.

·      Children under 10 are free. You are responsible for paying for your guests.

·      Each family is asked to provide an Appetizer, Side OR  Dessert (not all 3).

·      Bring your own chairs and beverages.

·     Bar-B-Q Pork and Chicken, Paper Plates, Napkins, and Eating Utensils are provided.


RSVP to Joyce Brunsvold no later than Friday, June 24

Include in your RSVP:

·      Dish you are bringing -- An Appetizer, Side OR  Dessert Indicate any items that may be Gluten Free.  

·      Number of People/Guests in your party.

Weather Note: In case of inclement weather, Charles and Kathy Gross at 36 Kinross Lane have graciously offered their home for the picnic. Notification will be by email by 4:00pm on the 4th if the picnic has to be moved to the Gross’.

By WebMaster JHCA April 13, 2019

Thanks to David Vittum for the photos (see Gallery) from the Junaluska Highlands [2015] Spring Workday!

Also many thanks to the Home and Property Owners who generously contributed their time and resources to this annual Junaluska Highlands beautification workday and cookout.

By WebMaster JHCA April 13, 2019
This year’s (2014) neighborhood Spring Clean-Up Day is scheduled for Saturday, May 3rd. If the weather is inclement on May 3rd, the backup date will be Saturday, May 17th.    David Vittum is Coordinating this event.  Additional Details will follow.
By WebMaster JHCA April 13, 2019

There have been several sightings of bears in the JH neighborhood over the past several weeks.  The bears are not timid.  One was seen up close and personal on the Coleman’s deck.  This bear was interested in bird seed that was in a feeder near the deck. Bears are a fact of life in this area and connot be completely avoided.

Be careful around bears.  Do not attempt to wrestle with one.  Do not allow your dogs to tangle with a bear, as the bear is likely to win this encounter.  Do keep food sources and trash containers in bear proof containers or in a closed garage.  Do keep your ground level doors closed and locked. Bears can climb, so upper level decks are not bear proof. If you encounter a bear in the outdoors, do not run, as this triggers an attack response.  Also, you cannot outrun a bear.  Avoid eye contact and back away if possible.  If a bear does not know you are nearby, make some noise so he can avoid you.  Bear spay is available as a last resort.  This is a pepper spray that will burn the bears eyes, giving you time to depart the area (and leave the bear pissed-off).  Small spray cans are not effective, only use the large spray cans designed as a bear deterrent (these can spray 20-30 ft in distance).  Bear spray can be found at large outdoor/camping stores such as REI, or can be ordered on line from Amazon.

If you have persistent bear problems, contact animal control for additional help.  Also let your neighbors know when and where you saw a bear.

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